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English translation for "improve the investment environment"


Related Translations:
improve fade:  强化渐隐术
improved invisibility:  高等隐形术高级隐形术记得进阶隐形术增强隐形术
improved goods:  改良品
improve stove:  改良炉灶
improving furnace:  精炼炉
improved reduce:  高等缩小术缩小术
improved variety:  改良品种经过改良的种子
improved undercarriage:  改装车架
improve range:  增大距离
new improved ceresan:  谷乐生
Example Sentences:
1.We need to further improve the investment environment / climate
2.On the one hand , we should make special efforts to improve the investment environment
3.We will continue to improve the investment environment so that overseas investors will make profits
4.( 2 ) open up new fields for investment , improve the investment environment greatly , make the ways of inviting investors more flexible
2 、进一步解放思想,提高认识,开拓投资新领域,大力改善投资环境,灵活招商方式方法。
5.For the central and western region , in order to increase its ratio of fdi inflow , the most important thing is to improve the investment environment
6.Third , the government function should be changed to improve the investment environment ; fourth , amend the laws and rules according to the needs of market economy
7.We follow the principle of promoting business activities with the development of tourism and offering all needed service to improve the investment environment in shanghai and its surrounding areas
8.We tent to expand business tourist market at home and aboard , promote business activities through the development of tourism , and provide all - round services to improve the investment environment of shanghai
9.At the present we should optimize the structure of qualified personnel , improve the investment environment , introduce the high - tech personnel and strengthen the mechanism of management and service
Similar Words:
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